Elementary Program



"Education gives our children a foundation for life. They are our future explorers and creators, innovators and leaders, neighbors and parents."


Building a foundation.


Providing individualized attention.


Meeting unique needs.

Our elementary students obtain a strong educational foundation which benefits them as they progress through middle school, high school, college, and their future careers.


The caring instruction and focused attention of our teachers encourage all our students to become confident, successful, life-long learners. All areas of the curriculum nurture the academic, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual development of each child.​


Each child is unique. Our teachers create and adapt lessons that best fit the needs of each child in the classroom. The classroom is a space where teachers develop strong relationships with students to best understand what each child needs to succeed.



Our Curriculum


Divine Savior Academy's elementary students are engaged in inquiry-based learning that develops problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Students work to become proficient writers, learn to analyze text for greater understanding, study primary sources and documents, and explore through STEM-related (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) activities so that learning is hands-on, engaging, and meaningful.


Learn more about our curriculum by scheduling a one-on-one visit with our Director of Admissions, Lisa Achilles, at santaritaranch.admissions@divinesavioracademy.com.





We are a community of families, students, educators, and friends who are dedicated to working together to help our children thrive. That's why we call ourselves "The Divine Savior Family."


Our community makes our school special. DSA isn't just where our children come to learn and grow, it's where we as parents find the partnership of teachers, the support of administrators, and the friendship of fellow parents. We pride ourselves in supporting each other, in knowing everyone's name, and in having fun together, too. We welcome new faces and cherish old friendships. Most of all, we share the goal of giving our children what they need to thrive. That's what we mean when we say, "We're the Divine Savior Family!"






The mission of the Divine Savior athletic program is to strengthen the talents and abilities of our student-athletes, as well as develop qualities such as teamwork, dedication, sportsmanship, and humility. This is accomplished through competitive athletic teams, skills programs, and physical education classes.



Fine Arts

Designed to create a well-rounded education, DSA's fine arts program also seeks to develop the God-given abilities of each individual student. Music classes, instrumental lessons, choir, drama productions, visual art, and after-school activities are some of the ways that students can participate in the fine arts at DSA.



Involved Families

We love to have our parents and caregivers involved at school! Whether it's chaperoning for a field trip or volunteering at school, we believe our students benefit when we partner together in their education. We love to have family events like movie nights, family picnics, and chapel services on campus.




Looking for more information?

Learn more about our curriculum by scheduling a one-on-one visit with our Director of Admissions, Lisa Achilles, at santaritaranch.admissions@divinesavioracademy.com.




We believe that every child should know the love of Christ. Sharing His love with children is the reason we exist.